RPM5 Steering rack bushings

Product properties

● The bushing specially designed for the automotive steering system. The designation is with the advantages of combining high elastic material ME650 and high wear resistance material EPB7. This perfect design provides the solution of ensuring both elastic resistance duration and wear resistance could be both guranteed

● High elastic feature and stable sliding resistance

● Outstanding wearing resistance

● Assembly cutout designation for easily installation

RPM5 Steering rack bushings

▊ Structure design

CSB-RPM5 Steering Rack Bearing is made from the combination of elastic material and wear resistance material. The individually designed slot in 120 degrees around the diameter provides easy assembly of the bearings. The 3 pilot blocks near the surface end of the bearing hold the bearing from the axial movement during the operation. The oil deposits in the bearing layer hold the lubricants during the initial assembly for a better lubricating feature and provide good wear resistance of the bearing.

▊ Material design

The main material of the bearing is the elastic and fatigue resistance polymer ME650 which provide long lasting stable sliding resistance of the bearing. The bearing layer of the ID is made of EPB7 material which prevents the loss of elastic feature due to the quick wear of the bearing ID.

▊ Assembly design

CSB-RPM 5 Bearing is designed for direct press fit installation. The interference of OD ensures the bearing to be tightly seated in the housing without clap ring installed. 

Recommended grease: CALTEX Multifak EP2 or ONELUBER MO NO.2 .

▊ Endurance test for RPM5



Shaft:Ф24 mm;Ra0.4

Housing:Ф31.49 mm
Lubricant:CALTEX Multifak EP2

▊ Installation size

Part No.dD1DF1F2L
RPM5-2222  0-0.0523329.6  -0.09-0.133.7430
RPM5-2424  0-0.0523531.6  -0.09-0.133.7430
RPM5-2525  0-0.0523632.6  -0.09-0.133.7430
RPM5-2626  0-0.0523733.6  -0.09-0.133.7430


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CSB-RPM® Steering Rack Bearings

Type PDF
Size 515KB
Time 09-2021
No. CSB/CAT.062E



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