
The working Dynamic Thermal Equilibrium Temperature of CSB-EPB® plastic plain bearings

Date:2015-08-01 17:41:44      Hits:5103

CSB-EPB® plastic plain bearings are subject to sliding friction during operation. Friction heat is generated during the relative movement between the grinding shaft and the inner surface of the bearing which will cause the temperature rise of the friction surface. The amount of friction heat is closely related to the friction coefficient of plastic sliding bearings. The friction heat of engineering plastic bearings is generally dissipated to the air through two ways: one is the bearings transfer the heat onto the matching housing bore then to the air; the other is conducting the heat onto the grinding shaft then to the air. The efficiency of these two heat dissipation approaches directly affects the temperature of the working surface of the plastic bearing. It generates frictional heat once the plastic bearings start working and the temperature of the working surface will also go up. However, the temperature of the working surface of the plastic bearing will not always be on the rise. When the generation and dissipation of frictional heat reach a dynamic equilibrium, the temperature will be relatively stable. The temperature at this time is called the dynamic thermal equilibrium temperature. This temperature is not a fixed value, but in a range of changes. The self-lubricating properties of the engineering plastic bearing material itself, the smoothness of the shaft, the working pressure and speed, the ambient temperature... any change will directly affect the dynamic thermal equilibrium temperature of the plastic bearing. The self-lubricating performance of bearing materials is the most important factor, so that engineers take of designing and finding the most suitable self-lubricating plastic materials as the primary task during the CSB-EPB® designing work.


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