Vertical separators for C04 cable carriers

Product properties

● The separator separates inside space of the chain to protect cables, oil hoses, gas hoses, etc.

● Separator with high strength, can be firmly fitted in carriers

● Quickly and easily installation

Vertical separators for C04 cable carriers

DURAMOV® Cable carrier accessories

Type PDF
Size 440KB
Time 12-2024
No. CSB/CAT.067


DURAMOV® Cable Chain Finder[V1.1] is based on the analysis and calculation of a large number of test data in CSB® laboratory. You can calculations filler and installation data by entering parameters such as cables, gas tubes, oil tubes and installation data, The system will analyze your design data and finally output the adaptation cable chains.
Because the system calculate and analyze based on lab data, it can't exactly meet the ractual use requirements absolutly. The system data verification has certain limitations; CSB® recommends that the cable chains must be tested again to verify whether it meets the actual use requirements.
DURAMOV® Cable Chain Finder output data information is only for design reference, and can not be used as the final standard for determining the cable chains conformity, If you have any questions, please contact CSB® sales engineers.


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