CSB-LIN® Guide rails & Screw nuts

Product properties

CSB-LIN® Linear guide rails & Screw nuts is designed with the maintenance free sliding components. All sliding parts are made of wear-resistant material CSB-EPB®. All shafts or guide rails are made of anodized aluminum alloy or stainless steel. Duo to the reasonable design of the material and components, CSB-LIN® Linear guide rails & Screw nuts is maintenance-free, resistant to dust, anti-corrosion and low noise.

Precision shafts
Precision shafts

AS: Hard anodized aluminum shaft, the best shaft for LIN linear bearings; CS: Hard-chromed steel shaft, the effective-cost shaft; ES: 304 Stainless steel shaft, the best for chemical liquid; Shaft end processing service...

Supported shafts
Supported shafts

Compact and low high design support;

Standard design support;

3 materials shaft: Hard anodized aluminum shaft, Hardchromed steel shaft, 304 Stainless steel shaft;

WR Round linear guide rails
WR Round linear guide rails

Aluminum alloy material, Hard anodized surface of sliding; Maintenance-free linear slide guides providing virtually limitless design freedom; Lubrication-free and dirt-resistant...

WQ Suqare linear guide rails
WQ Suqare linear guide rails

Aluminum alloy material, Hard anodized surface of sliding; Maintenance-free linear slide guides providing virtually limitless design freedom; Lubrication-free and dirt-resistant...

HR Linear guide rails
HR Linear guide rails

Standard anti-wear carriages with clearance adjustment;Very suitable for high speed applications, the speed up to 10m/s;Smooth moving, Driving force is about 10% of sliding carriages...

TR Low-profile linear guide rails
TR Low-profile linear guide rails

The dimensions are the same as the ball bearing guides;Made of hard anodized surface of aluminum alloy;Lightweight design; Resistant dust; Quiet operation...

NR Small linear guide rails
NR Small linear guide rails

Small installation height between 6 and 12 mm; 


Numerous carriage options – also with pretension; 

Maintenance-free, self lubricating;

Lead screw drivers
Lead screw drivers

Efficient and durable CSB-LMS® high helix threads;

Self-locking trapezoidal standard threads;

Maintenance-free, dry operation;

Corrosion resistant、Resistant to dirt and Low-noise;


Design rules

Floating bearings for linear slide guides

In the case of a linear motion system with two shafts or rails, We recommend that the floating linear bearing must be fitted in one of sides. A suitable solution comprising fixed and floating bearings is available for every installation position, whether horizontal, vertical or lateral. This type of assembly prevents jamming and blockage on the guides resulting from discrepancies in parallelism. 

Floating bearings are created through a controlled extension of play in the direction of the expected parallelism error. During installation, take care that the floating bearing has approximately the same clearance on both sides. The mounting surfaces of the Shafts,rails and linear bearings should possess a good evenness to prevent twisting in the system. Smaller areas of mounting surface unevenness can be compensated to a certain extent by the floating bearing.


Eccentric forces

● Maximum 2:1 ratio

● 1x = bearing separation on same shaft 

● 2x = distance from shaft to load or force

● CAUTION: uneven motion or even system blockage will occur if the 2:1 ratio is exceeded !

This principle is NOT load dependent! It is NOT due to edge loading. It is also NOT dependent on the driving force used! The greater the distance between the drive and guide bearings, the higher the degree of wear and required drive force.

There may be other factors that add to the braking effect, but the coefficient of friction is the main cause.

NOTE: The Rule(2:1) is based on the static friction value of 0.25 theoretically, However, Additional lubrication can help to drop friction and extend the 2:1 ratio.

If you have any questions on design and/or assembly, please contact our application engineers.

CSB-LMS® Linear Motion Systems

Type PDF
Size 1.36MB
Time 09-2021
No. CSB/CAT.062E


CSB® Polymer-tech Solutions

CSB-LIN® Plastic Linear Bearings Finder[V2.0] including LIN plastic linear bearings and LINP precision linear bearings. The system is based on the analysis and calculation of a large number of test data in CSB® laboratory. You can calculations bearing data by entering parameters such as bearing load, speed, temperature and position information, The system will output bearing adaptation data and min. driving force.
Because the system calculate and analyze based on lab data, it can't exactly meet the ractual use requirements absolutly. The system data verification has certain limitations; CSB® recommends that the bearing must be tested again to verify whether it meets the actual use requirements.
CSB-LIN® Plastic Linear Bearings Finder output data information is only for design reference, and can not be used as the final standard for determining the bearing material conformity, If you have any questions, please contact CSB® sales engineers.


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